East-tec Eraser 2014 protects your system against prying eyes and information-stealing malware. It does so by getting rid of all those unnecessary – and usually unwanted – files that your Internet browsers, your Windows system, and other applications store on your computer compromising your privacy. Likewise, Eraser 2014 will effectively erase any previously “deleted” files for good.
In the last few years, information theft has become one of the most common cybercrime threats. Many “innocent” software tools have the tendency to litter your computer with traces and tracks containing information about your habits, your routines, your conversations, your credit card information, and even your passwords. Most of this information is stored in temporary – or not so temporary – files and folders in your system, and usually without you knowing it. While these files do help your browser and other applications to run more smoothly and faster, they can compromise your security if in the wrong hands. East-tec Eraser 2014 can wipe out and destroy all these hard-to-find temporary files and folders once and for all.
Deleting these files – i.e. sending them to the recycle bin – is usually not enough, and even clearing up the recycle bin is usually not enough either. Eraser 2014 has a database of more than 250 software tools and applications that have this habit of leaving temporary files behind containing information that could be wrongly used. Microsoft Office, Dropbox, Yahoo! Messenger, iTunes, Real Player, Winamp, and Outlook Express are some of these tools that have a tendency to create history files with every step you take and leave distinct traces of all your movements.
East-tec Eraser 2014 comes with an attractive and intuitive interface with a clear tab-based menu and well-documented functions and features. Privacy Guard is probably the program’s main asset – it will scan your system looking for all those unnecessary files created and left behind by those 250+ apps and tools and will destroy them for good. You will be surprised by the amount of tiny and not-so-tiny junk files that sit on your drives, and you will be grateful for the amount of disk space that you will recover once the wiping process is finished. Erase Deleted Data, on the other hand, does simply that – it effectively and permanently wipes out all those files that you thought weren’t there just because you did delete them long go. Optionally, this feature can wipe all the disk space recovered, scramble the deleted files and folders for extra security, and even scramble the log file that contains the system transactions of your NTFS drives.
The same zeal can also be applied to entirely removable storage devices – you can use this tool to wipe USB drives and leave them as clean as new (though only if your storage device is smaller than 64 GB).
Finally, and thanks to the program’s scheduler, you can clean your traces and online activity at specified times and dates, with your preferred frequency, and only when your system is idle or not in use, etc. It is probably this high level of flexibility, together with its efficiency, that makes east-tec Eraser 2014 – at least – worth trying.